Start your journey to Financial Independence today

Money Tipps offers four levels of money coaching packages.

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Click the button below to book in your FREE strategy call to see which investing package is right for you and your budget
Pick from either Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze packages

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Money Coach 1-1 platinum package

A fully comprehensive money coaching package with Neil Doig

Money Coaching sessions include investment strategy and guidance, tax savings guidance, including a pension review and an understanding of ISA options available, an investing risk profile assessment, money mindset and behavioural finance, insurance overview, property guidance and improving your saving.

We will estimate your financial independence day and aim to retire earlier by creating a simple and step bt step plan

I will give a full review of your investment portfolio and give you guidance on improvements and cost savings on fees.

We will meet for 3 90 minute money coaching sessions and complete a simple 10 step plan.

You will have 12 months of support and accountability and 12 laser coaching sessions where you can have all your questions answered.

You will also get all the benefits of the gold, silver and bronze packages plus being part of the money mastermind group

Gold Package

Access our exclusive money mastermind group

Get accountability to reach your financial goals

Get access to the best tools, techniques and technology to make your investing journey simpler, quicker and with less stress and worry.

Be in an environment of like-minded people including our face to face weekend investing accelerator with world-class speakers.

Plus many more bonuses

Silver Package

Invest into your ISA in 90 minutes online program

Access to the best Investing platforms at low fees

Football Formation Asset Allocation card game

Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots book

Plus much more bonuses

Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots. Get the five step method to money mindset here

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