A WARRIOR'S DAUGHTER  By Zitkála-Šá (1876 – 1938)

A WARRIOR'S DAUGHTER By Zitkála-Šá (1876 – 1938)

The story's main message is that your environment helps to shape your identity. The book is about a woman who takes on a traditionally male role, rescuing her lover instead of playing the maiden-in-distress. The story becomes one of her strength, intelligence, and bravery instead of the prowess of the young man. The story of the young woman rescuing her male lover through strength and bravery appears occasionally in traditional storytelling across other cultures, but it is rare.

This book shares a different perspective than the male, white and middle-class view of the world.

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ON THE DUTY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE                      by Henry David Thoreau
Millennial Money Mindset Millennial Money Mindset


Henry David Thoreau believed in freedom for people. In his book ‘On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,’ he argued that the best government was the one that ruled the least. He wrote this book after he refused to pay his taxes due to America spending tax money on a war with Mexico.

This is a must-read book for anyone who believes in freedom, individualism and being self-reliant.

Introduction Written by Neil Doig (author of Millennial Money Mindset and founder of Money Tipps)

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