Personal Finance has Changed! So Must You

Personal finances used to be easy.

Finish university without debt, get a job for life with your degree, buy an affordable house and finish the last day of work with a handshake, a carriage clock and a guaranteed pension income for life.

Generation X’s plan was also simple. To buy property, maybe two, maybe more. All at affordable prices. The astronomical rise in house prices has pulled up the property ladder making it unreachable for the next generation.

Today we need a new plan. The world is moving faster, is more connected and people have more complex lives than we have ever done before.

Millennials need a new plan. We’re in a different world after the tornado of the financial crisis. Putting money into a bank means getting next to nothing from your savings, maybe you’re scared to invest after the financial crisis or simply don’t have the time to learn the seemingly complex world of the stock market.

The retirement cliff edge is fast approaching as people’s pensions won’t provide enough money for when you stop working. There is a path you can follow to get to the lifestyle that you desire.

Today you must understand investing. Investing may seem complicated but the reality it has never been easier, cheaper or take less time than ever before.

Today there is an investing revolution taking place. Either you start or be left behind. Money Tipps are here to help!

The downside is there has never been so much misinformation, fake news and investment scams than ever before in history. If you want to avoid the traps, the investment myths, and excessive investment fees.

The good news is Money Tipps are here to help! Get a money coach to solve these problems giving you financial guidance.

Start your investing journey today by picking on of the four levels of service available by Money Tipps


Investing and Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs