Money Poem

Money, money, everywhere,
But where, oh where, should I put my share?
Should I invest it in stocks and bonds?
Or stuff it all under my bed, in a pile beyond?

The experts say to diversify,
To avoid putting all your eggs in one pie,
But with so many options to choose from,
It's enough to make my head go numb.

Personal finance is no easy game,
And sometimes it can drive you insane,
Should I save for retirement or pay off debt?
And how much should I spend on that new duvet set?

Investing can be a risky bet,
And sometimes you might just regret,
But if you want to grow your dough,
You gotta take the plunge, don't you know?

Money, money, it's a funny thing,
It can bring joy or make your heart sing,
But if you let it control your life,
You'll end up with nothing but strife.

So take control of your finances today,
And don't let money lead you astray,
Invest wisely, save with care,
And you'll have a happy financial affair.


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