Inflation is Coming

Inflation is coming!

What are the Dangers of Inflation and Are You Prepared?

Inflation is the topic of this week's Millennial Money Mindset podcast, and we are joined by Simon Popple for the second time.

Simon is a commodity expert and we talk about the risk of inflation.

Inflation means food, fuel and energy prices are rising.

This has been caused due to worker shortages from Brexit and supply chain issues from the pandemic.

The Bank of England has printed £875 BILLION out of thin air through quantitative easing.

40% of all the US dollars in ALL existence was printed in the last 12 months (read that again).

Leading to too much money chasing the same amount of goods in circulation.

This means the pound coin in your back pocket is worth LESS than a year ago eroding any savings you have worked hard for.

The Retail price index was 4.8% in August, (which measures inflation) in the UK according to the Office of National Statistics and is expected to get worse.

The good news is that you CAN do something about this.

Listen to Millennial Money Mindset podcast on your preferred podcast provider where we help you to prepare for the coming wave of inflation.

What are you doing to prepare for the coming inflation?

Listen to Millennial Money Mindset podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon or Stitcher (for Android) to put your mind at ease by preparing yourself for this increasing risk.

Listen to the Millennial Money Mindset podcast by searching Millennial Money Mindset: If you want the fruits you need the roots.

We give away some ideas on how you can prepare your portfolio for the increase to inflation that we a facing

Or simply click the link in the top of this Money Tipps website for instant access

What are your thoughts on inflation?
Are you worrying?
Will you benefit?


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