Geography is Investing

Today you can step on a plane and travel to almost any country in the world.

Flying to the other side of the world can now take less than 24 hours.

If you could fly to any country in the world, which would you choose?

Flying over countries as you look out of the window you can see many geographical concepts (in bold).

Today it has never been easier to invest in all these countries at a click of a button. Investing is understanding the world, which is why Geography is so important to understand the world and people around us.

Imagine the different physical environments all over the world.

There are different oceans, different continents of the world, the river landscapes meandering below and flowing into the sea affecting the coastal landscape you may see mountain ranges which were impacted by glaciers or maybe you will see volcanoes.

What would the weather be like in each different country?

You may visit hot, dry deserts, lush wet tropical rainforests, or cold snowy mountains.

You may visit cities in an urban area that have a dense population with many people or you may arrive in an area with a very sparse population with few people. You may visit places that may be higher-income countries (HIC) or a place that is lower-income countries (LIC).

Imagine meeting a person in the place you have landed. This person takes you to visit their home. What type of accommodation can depend on where in the world you have visited

Why do these people choose to live in these locations? There may be many push and pull factors that lead to the migration of people.


What kinds of foods would you eat with this person? Would they be different to what you ate for lunch? How would they heat their homes? What energy source would they use?

What does this person do for work to earn a living? Do they work in agriculture on a farm (known as primary industry), do they work in a factory like making shoes or shirts for people to wear (known as a secondary industry) maybe they work in a shop or restaurant providing a service (known as a tertiary industry)

 the first law of geography, proposed by Waldo Tobler, is "everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things." Geography has been called "the world discipline" and "the bridge between the human and the physical sciences."

Geography is simply the study of people and places around the world and how we are all connected.

Investing is just understanding the world around us and the demands of people and the supply of the world.

Geography is Investing and investing is geography. Both subjects are connected and the better understanding you have on either subject is going to get you to a better place and create a better world

In conclusion, the world is wide and the sea is deep. There are many geographical concepts that can be discussed using a plane and experiencing the world


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